These days, we are confronted with nothing but the same issues that ruled the yesteryears. Some would say it was a plain battle on how we people define our sovereignty, antionhood, and eliminate interventionists in our national society. At the same time, we people tend to forget our social duties, especially the youth who tend to enjoy life by whiling it away in useless destinations. Life is a journey, so it is not by merely being apathetic to the current issues that confront Philippine society.
I give my earnest dedication to the modern-day young Pinoy activists (tibak) who are willing to sacrifice their lives and time just to preserve and maintain the tenets of democracy, nationalism, and altruism and for this to the others to serve a challenge: In the centennial of our forefathers' struggle from the clutches of Spanish colonialism, we should be responsive to the societal needs of our fellows, especially in issues that threaten our sovereignty and nationhood.
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This site is always undergoing heavy construction, so please bear with me. These days, I'm just very busy with my job as a campus beat correspondent of ANG BAGONG DIARYO.
tHiS aSiaN-4-LifE RiNg SiTe iS oWnEd
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